Sunday, May 13, 2007

It's the freaking weekend, baby, I'm gonna have me some ... calories?!?

Let's get down to business.


Home-cooked burger

Drink-fest at Firefly:
2 cherry-blossom mojitos (the godliest drink ever made)
"Truffle" fries (apparently, this means they're somehow mushroom flavored. This place is fancy-shmancy. To me, they just tasted strange.)

Drink-fest, continued at Lucky Bar: (we're classy)
Too many kamikaze shots to count.

A whole bunch of Doritos, Nacho Cheese. (I finished most of a 13-ounce bag by the end of the weekend.)



Breakfast: Large black unsweetened ice tea at Starbucks, 2 fat bombs (AKA Madeleine cookies). They usually come in packs of 3 but one of them fell out of my hand before I could eat it, prompting me to loudly yell "FUCK!!!" while on crowded M Street.

3 strawberries

Quick Pita fries (yum!!)

Mango smoothie, plain toasted bagel w/ cream cheese

Dinner: Martin's Tavern. (Apparently, low-fat) buffalo burger w/ onions, small lettuce/carrot/etc. salad. Diet Coke.

1 peach daiquiri.



Breakfast: Mocha w/ whipped cream, plain toasted bagel w/ cream cheese

Lunch: Subway grilled chicken sandwich w/ lettuce, onion and teriyaki sauce. Diet Coke.

Dinner: Mid-size plate of spaghetti and (about 3) meatballs w/ tomato sauce. 1 slice garlic bread. Ice tea.


Exercise this weekend: LOTS AND LOTS OF WALKING, MY FEET HURT.

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