Saturday, June 2, 2007

This speaks for itself

Bottled mocha-flavored Starbucks frapuccino, croissant

Pad see eu with chicken, Diet Coke

Friday evening:
A glass of pinot grigio
1 banana
A couple of pieces of fried plantain
A few chips and salsa
Hennessy and Coke, pina colada mix (no rum), white wine, more white wine, some Corona, a Jack and Coke (I didn't get sick -- or very drunk, somehow -- maybe it's because I was dancing my booty off)
Big and Tasty and French Fries at McDonald's


assmar said...

I think at some point you need to clarify what a "Big and Tasty" is for your readers since you seem to be fond of them.

It sounds delicious and I bet it's good for you.

Rachel Harger said...

Hey, I just read your whole blog and wanted to say 1) this night was fun, 2) I had major drama and ended up having to walk about a mile after I left. I spoke too soon when I said I was all right for a ride!

Anyway, Vidalia wine testing this week?

The Armchair Fashionista said...

dude, what happened after tom toms that caused drama? i hope you're ok. i must hear about it. and yes, i'll find time for happy hour (and you!) this week -- and then blog about how much i drank.