Sunday, June 3, 2007

"Knocked up" is hilarious; go see it

Breakfast: Diet Coke

Lunch: Booeymonger's chicken sandwich w/ onion and honey mustard
Bottle of strawberry/kiwi juice

Starbucks unsweetened black ice tea

Dinner (I snuck this into "Knocked Up"): Hamburger and fries

Later: 1 Sam Adams Light (Full disclosure: I drank it while taking a bubble bath with scented candles and reading Rolling Stone)

Exercise: 45 minutes elliptical (I would like to thank the entire cast of the Real Housewives of Orange County for letting me stay on the exercise machine for that long. The Saturday marathon on Bravo was heavenly.)


assmar said...

So...was the burger you snuck into the theater a Big n'Tasty?

The Armchair Fashionista said...

actually, it was from mon cherie cafe in georgetown :)